The Mind Coach Offering

Coaching for Wellbeing
People’s wellbeing is critical to their contribution, effectiveness and engagement at work and in their lives. The impact of recent world events and ever increasing risk of burnout, the focus of employee welfare and engagement has never been higher.
A 2024 study from Massey Business School states that 57% of NZ workers are at high risk of burnout, so living with uncertainty, overwhelm, anxiety and stress is most definitely taking its toll. Coaching can provide a much needed space for processing emotions and working through challenges, allowing time to reconnect with what matters most. Our wholistic coaching for wellbeing approach means looking at the physical, mental, emotional needs of each individual to offer a bespoke coaching experience with the intention of taking the coachee from surviving through to thriving once again.
Our Coaches
Benefits of Coaching
Professional coaching brings many wonderful benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges,
enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence.
And, the list does not end there. Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable
improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.

Would Repeat The Process

Improved Work Performance

Improved Self-Confidence

Improved Relationships
Source: ICF Global Coaching Client Study was commissioned by the ICF but conducted independently by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
I began working with Cheryl at an incredibly stressful time. As a Māori woman in a leadership role I was juggling health, family, community, and professional responsibilities and was feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and trapped.
In the beginning it felt like taking on coaching was adding more to my plate, but I am so grateful I took the leap.
We focused on tools that helped me manage my stress, focus on what was important, and communicate more powerfully to share the load I was carrying.
I was able to transform a strained relationship with a colleague to one of trust and loyalty - something I thought would be absolutely impossible.
I was also able to get clarity around my true value, and be decisive about my career options. Cheryl was a safe pair of hands that knew when to keep pushing me, and when to soften or pivot. I genuinely recommend.
Aroha Armstrong
Group Manager Maori Economy – Callaghan Innovation (Coachee)
My experience was very empowering.
I was listened to and questioned in a very comfortable manner to help me get to the heart of the areas that I could potentially focus on to make me a better leader.
Once identified I was provided with simple tools and reading to help me to improve skills and in my case be a more vulnerable and effective leader.
Thank you.
Geoff Waller
GM Retail Distribution, Kiwibank (Coachee)
The time I've spent with Cheryl has been the most valuable and significant step in my development as a leader.
She's an absolute master coach who helped me clarify my own goals, identify and focus on key areas for development, providing tools and models to improve.
Our sessions quickly became the most important item on my calendar, with a high level of trust and openness in all exchanges. Needless to say I would highly, highly recommend Mind Coach for personal development!
Chris Thomson
Group Manager, Callaghan Innovation (Coachee)
Earlier this year Cheryl was able to help me through a period in my career where I needed to consider a change in the way I worked to create a balance between my professional and personal life.
Cheryl was able to give me the tools that helped me define my value proposition, to understand what my personal brand was and to consider what my new career narrative could be.
I felt that Cheryl as a coach took the time to understand my situation and the challenges I was facing, she
helped develop a personalised programme for me with actions to undertake after each coaching session with follow up that was tailored to my needs.
Karen Thompson-Smith
Cruise Engagement Manager, ATEED (Coachee)
I came to Cheryl at a decision point in my career. I was considering various (quite disparate) potential career options, as well as seeking a more sustainable work-life juggle.
Cheryl created an arena in which I could be genuine and vulnerable about my challenges and potential opportunities.
We moved at pace, dipping and diving through issues in our two-weekly session. I was grateful for her intuition, her insightful questions, her honest reflections, with her knowledge and understand of high performing roles and workplaces.
I gained greater clarity, and a fabulous sounding board as I navigated the next exciting change in my career.
private coaching client
Lisa has effectively partnered alongside a number of our people to support them with either returning to work, career decision making or developing their leadership style.
Lisa builds strong coaching relationships with the people she coaches, based on trust and open challenging conversations.
Lisa looks at solutions that are in line with peoples strengths and values, which fit the needs of the organisation.
Louise Alexander
HR Director, Bell Gully (Client)
I worked with Lisa on my return to work from parental leave during a period in which I was also navigating a significant increase in my responsibilities at work.
My time with Lisa provided an invaluable opportunity to reflect on my whole, integrated self and to clearly articulate the outcomes I wanted and the plans and strategies to get there.
Lisa is refreshingly balanced and measured in her approach – she gets the corporate world and her advice is grounded and realistic.
Anna Crosbie
Partner, Russell McVeagh (Coachee)
I worked with Lisa to navigate the transition between first-time motherhood and returning to work. Her values centered guidance helped me clarify what direction to take with my career while reaffirming my role as a mother.
I really appreciated Lisa’s willingness to challenge my thought patterns and accommodate my big picture ideas all the same. After working with Lisa I came away with a very clear understanding of what I didn’t want and the makings of a blueprint for my next steps career wise.
My experience working with Lisa was invaluable.
Irene Wakefield
CEO & Founder Prepair NZ (Coachee)
Cheryl has been the most amazing supporter and guide in my leadership journey.
She brings wisdom,
knowledge, and a beautiful understanding of people to the working relationship, and I am so grateful to have
had the opportunity to work with her.
Private coaching client
Cheryl has an incredible ability to pick up on what is really going on for you and to be able to pivot very quickly to bring in an extensive depth and breadth of knowledge and experience that helped me enormously with both work and personal goals.
Kirsty Bellringer
Head of Transformation - Chorus (Coachee)
Working with Cheryl was really valuable for me. She pushed me, honestly and fairly, to own the parts of my leadership behaviours that weren’t working and take on the role that my colleagues and team need me to take.
Cheryl challenged me to articulate my approach and thinking around my leadership and my interactions with my team, which really helped me to improve the way I lead.
I’ve grown as a leader through this process, bringing me much closer to where I need to be in only a few months.
Oliver Thompson
Group Manager, Data Strategy - Callaghan Innovation (Coachee)
I felt like an imposter getting coaching considering my focus wasn't on becoming the next CEO, but rather on
how I can be my authentic best self at work, negotiating the ever present quandary of balancing work and
home life, and generally just finding more joy at work and home.
However, I felt Cheryl was entirely respective
and supportive of my personal goals, and the focus was very much on growing as a whole person to get the
best out of me at work.
Private coaching client
As part of my professional development I completed the LSI-360 Survey following completion of the survey I was lucky enough to have Lisa as my coach to review the results and formulate a plan with me to improve in the areas the survey results indicated.
Lisa really challenged my thinking and helped me formulate some great plans to help me improve and be a more effective leader.
Overall I really enjoyed the whole process and working with Lisa and would happily recommend her as a coach.
Greg Simpson
Works Manager Civil North, Fulton Hogan (Coachee)
I have been fortunate to undertake 1:1 coaching with Mind Coach for 18months.
I have benefitted significantly from both a structured coaching program and also having a highly trusted partner to work alongside while navigating some challenging circumstances.
Over this time, I been able to directly address a number of long term growth objectives and grow as a leader that delivers value for my teams and the business.
Simon Hofmann,
Senior Leader, Kiwibank)
I have undertaken a number of leadership programmes over my career however this session was more based on my mind health as a leader which was extremely timely considering the year that has been 2020. I would highly recommend this programme to every leader.
Fabio Pagano
Fund Manager - Stride Property (Coachee)
Cheryl is exceptionally perceptive and really tailors each and every session to the needs of the person and the space they are currently in. This is used for maximum impact because the skills can then be applied in real time to the experiences which are current for the mentee.
Zoe Garrett
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Business Partner - Lumino (Coachee)
Cheryl is a rare bread in leadership coaching mixing the practical and the theoretical. Cheryl has coached both myself and 4 of my team.
The joy of being coached by Cheryl is you don’t realise you're being coached as she leads you to your conclusions without you realising it and therefore you own "it" more. The coaching of 4 of my leaders has been great to witness.
The relationships they have formed with her and the insights they have gained has been invaluable and enabled them to grow in confidence and leadership with their teams and their peers.
I would gladly recommend Cheryl for anyone looking to develop themselves further, consider difficult decisions or help teams optimise their potential.
Phil Worsley
Omni Channel Tribe Lead, Speak (Coachee)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is professional/executive coaching?
What are some typical reasons someone might work with a coach?
How do you ensure a compatible partnership?
Within the partnership, what does the coach do? The individual?
What does coaching ask of an individual?
How long does a coach work with an individual?
Source: International Coach Federation
Want to Know More?
Please get in touch for a no obligation consultation to find out how we can tailor our offering to your specific coaching needs.